Ethereal 2015

Hosted by Riedel Fascination
For a second year, the Ethereal  challenge is taking place! It is a bit different from the rest of the reading challenges going - let's begin with the fact that it started just a week ago, on Feb 1st and will continue till the same date next year. The reason for it is the rush people feel around the holidays and the beginning of the New Year, so our hostess decided to accomodate us this way :) The challenge covers a wide variety of themes and as the restricition from last year are gone, it should be fairly easy. Reviews are mandatory, but as one of my goals is to write more reviews - especially through the year, I hope this will be helpful rather than  an obstacle. This challenge - along with the rest of the trio - is packed with activites along the way, and prizes for everyone taking part. I was lucky to be a winner of some, and can assure you they fly all over the world!
Reviews: mandatory
This challenge inlucdes:
 ~ Spiritual, mystical, paranormal:  non-fiction, fictional, religious.
~ Serious studies:  dreams, near-death experiences, miracles, astrology.
~ Novels with clergy:  Sister Carol Anne O’Marie, Caroline Roe, Margaret Frazer.
~ Books with animals talking / doing more than what society credits them.
~ Fantasy is certainly otherworldly, as well as witches and fairies.
I sign up for Third eye - 11-20 books but if reviewing goes fine I hope to score better!


  1. Charlotte's soul - Danny Estes


  1. Happy birthday to you, Nina! I did not forget and your parents should have the card Monday, if not already on Friday. Since it is late, I didn't want you to think I forgot. I hope your day was as special as you are!

    Thank you for the write-up for our groups. You have presented them wonderfully! Reviews are no longer mandatory. If you want to be in my review database, I will put everything from the linky buttons into a menu again. If you don't have time, list titles in comments once in a while. Maybe you'll review later, maybe you'll tell me your prize points at the end of the year and I'll know how many levels you passed. :) Your Friend, Carolyn.


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